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News & Information

A composite map of Eurasian milfoil areas from 2017 through 2022 is depicted in the image to the right (click on the image for a .pdf copy). As you can see, Eurasian milfoil is a moving target and because of the nature of the plant and its ability to out-compete native plants, Eurasian milfoil requires continual control efforts. Eurasian milfoil was not found in 2020 due to the effectiveness of the 2019 treatments.


Recent increased algae growth this fall (2023) is likely the result of the very warm and sunny days that we have been experiencing corresponding with the timing of available nutrients in the lake that are being released as rooted submersed plants begin to naturally die back. In 2020, Dixie Lake experienced an extended harmful algae bloom (HAB) from late summer into the fall. This HAB was documented by the State of Michigan and signs were posted along the shoreline warning residents to avoid contact with algal scums and to keep children and pets out of the water, if possible, to avoid ingestion or extensive exposure. For more information about HABs click here. For an explanation of how HABs form click here. To find out ways that you can help to limit algae growth in Dixie Lake, please visit the Watershed and Links and Information tabs on this website.

A video explaining some of the challenges in managing a shallow lake has been provided by Aaron Parker from the Michigan Department of Environment, Great Lakes, and Energy (EGLE) and can be viewed at the link below:

Dixie Lake Milfoil Distribution Map.jpg

The next meeting will be held IN PERSON on Wednesday, March 19, 2025 at 9:00 am at the Springfield Township Fire Station #2.​ 10280 Rattalee Lake Rd, Davisburg, MI 48350.

A draft agenda for the next meeting will be posted a few days prior to the meeting. The draft agenda for the next meeting can be found here.

2024 Meeting Dates:

March 20

May 15

July 31

October 16

Upcoming Herbicide Treatments

TBD Spring 2025

Upcoming Harvesting

TBD Summer 2025

© 2023 Dixie Lake Improvement Board

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