Dixie Lake Info
Physical Characteristics
Surface Area (Acres)
Maximum Depth (Feet)
Average Depth (Feet)
Volume (Acre-Feet)
Shoreline Length (Miles)
Shoreline Development Factor
The vast majority of Dixie Lake is shallow enough to support rooted plant growth.
The shoreline development factor indicates the degree of irregularity in the shape of the shoreline. That is, compared to a perfectly round lake with the same area as Dixie Lake (i.e., 107 acres), the shoreline of Dixie Lake is 2.6 times longer due to its convoluted shape.
On average, the entire volume of water in Dixie Lake is replenished every 152 days. Dixie Lake has a small low-head dam at the east end of the lake that controls the water level. The outlet flows into Susin Lake and is part of the Clinton River system which eventually flows into Lake St. Clair.
Depth Contour Map
Vegetation Bio-Volume Map
Sediment Hardness Map
Natural Shorelines
Click here to find information on ways your can improve your shoreline habitat and protect Dixie Lake.
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MichiganLakeInfo.com was created by Progressive Companies' Water Resources Group as a resource for those interested in Michigan's inland lakes. On the site you can find information about lake water quality, watershed management, aquatic plants, lake levels, lake improvement boards, emerging issues, links to other sites and more. Information posted on the site has been thoroughly researched and designed to provide pertinent facts and figures about Michigan's lakes in a readily downloadable format. Please visit the site and learn more about Michigan's lakes.